Articles Isaiah's Adventure

Pain, Fear, and Comotos: Isaiah’s Adventure Part 3

At 5:00 this morning, we received news on my little brother. He is still in a coma and in critical condition. Still on life support. They were having trouble with the first MRI due to the metal braces on his teeth. Thankfully, they were able to remove these last night (along with a baby tooth) and redo the scan.

They have found significant damage to the brain, although we do not know the extent yet. There is also a lot of internal bleeding but the doctors cannot tell where it is coming from. At first, they thought it was caused by the rupture in his spleen, but after an ultrasound, they found this is not the case. They are doing a blood transfusion so he does not continue losing blood. He also had a punctured lung, so one of the concerns is that the bleeding will enter his lung.

Thank you all for your love, prayer, and support. There are fellow believers all over the nation and world that are reaching out in prayer and comfort which means so much to us.

Thank you also to all those who have commented, liked, or directly messaged us for continued support and encouragement. We may not always be able to respond to each person, but we read every comment, every message, and every name for those who have reached out to us, and your love and prayers have been such an amazing blessing.

Will continue to update as I get more news. Rejoicing, grieving, praying, and singing to a Great God through His Great Church this morning and clinging to His Great Promises. Then we’re on our way to visit Isaiah in the hospital. It will be the first time anyone, other than myself and my parents, has seen him since the accident. Praying especially that all the younger children do well with seeing him in his condition. We all love and miss him very much.

Soli Deo Gloria,

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